Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Aug. 31

August 30, 2016

E.Q: Create a narrative based on your individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
Implement vivid details to show over tell your narrative.
Obj: I can create a narrative based on my  own individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
I can implement vivid details to show my audience the narrative.


Reflect on your narrative thus far.
Write yourself one plus and one delta.

Image result for words of encouragement


Word: Structure
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.
Your Definition:
Activity: Create a narrative based on the literary structure.


1.  Show vs. Tell

To make sure that your narrative uses vibrant imagery you should incorporate all of the senses.
Use detail.
Often times we rely solely on sight and see  large imbalance compared to the other senses.

Use the chart below to color code your details.  
Reflect on which colors you see the most and what differences you can make.
Revise based on your data.






Using your revised draft, begin constructing your story,
Make sure to review the rubric to master the content.

Image result for show and tell example

Reflect on the colors in your original draft.
Explain your reaction.

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