Sunday, August 14, 2016

Aug. 15

August 15, 2016

E.Q: Identify the major plot components of Beowulf.
Evaluate the authors purpose for the structure of Beowulf.
Define the term hero.
Obj: I can identify parts of Beowulf's structure and understand the authors purpose.
I can create my own adaptation of Beowulf by evaluathing authors structure.
Big Idea: Hero


Using the video and article above, identify the stages that we have read in Beowulf.
Consider the purpose of each stage identified.


Term: Hero
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
Your Definition:
Activity: Give an example of a personal hero.
___________ is my hero because _________.


1.  Comic Critique
Find a partner to share your comic with.

In a Google document,  identify your partners exposition, conflict, and rising action.
Evaluate whether or not it was recreated effectively.
Share a plus and a delta.

Read Beowulf pages 11-15.

Discussion Questions:
Analyze Beowulf's characteristics.
Determine how he exemplifies a hero.
Connect the plot to the hero's journey.

3.  Beowulf Graphic Novel
Compare what we read in class to the corresponding pages.

With the people at your table answer the question:
What information do you gain from the graphic novel that you did not receive from the text?

4. Comic Continued
Continuing your comic from last week, you will create 3 more cells  based off the reading we completed in class today.
You can do this either on sheets of paper or using storyboardthat.

For each cell you must include a PEA explanation.

Point-  What is the point/purpose of this cell?
(I chose to add/include ____ to my cell because____)
Elaboration-  How does your comic cell relate to Beowulf?
(This representation relates to _____ about the character/scene)
Analysis- So what?
(For someone who had not read Beowulf, this would show/convey _____.) 

Does recreating the story via comic help your understanding of the structure?
Explain your rationale.

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