Monday, August 22, 2016

Aug. 23

August 23, 2016

E.Q: How does Middle English compare to Modern English?
Obj: I can annotate Middle English to create understanding.
I can compare and contrast the differences between Middle and Modern English.


I will provide you with a hard copy to fill out.


Word: Middle English
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the English language between about 1100 and 1400
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an example of middle English writing.
Provide the link/picture in your document.


As a class, we will watch the video.
Pay attention to the pronunciations!
This will help with your read aloud. 

With a partner, you will read the Prologue of Canterbury Tales.
It is written in Middle English, so make sure that you read it out loud.  
As you read, annotate each verse for understanding.
Additionally, consider which character sounds most interesting.
You will be looking at one story of your choice later.


After reading the prologue, which character did you find most interesting?

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