Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Aug. 10

August 10, 2016

E.Q:  What are major understandings and ideas of British literature?
Obj: I can identify major understandings and ideas of the time periods in British literature.
I can research different books of British literature.

Out of all of the time periods, which period intrigued you the most?
Explain your rationale in 3-5 sentences.

Word: Narrative
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  a story that is told or written
Your Definition:
Activity: Give an example of a narrative.


Throughout the semester, you will be reading a book of your own choice independently.
All of the instructions are posted in the link above. 

Today, you will receive time to look at the time periods a little more closely.
Research which time period you would like to read a novel from. 
Then, begin researching authors and pieces of literature.

In your assignment folder create a document labeled Independent Reading Research
Find at least 5 different books that interest you.

Include the following information: 
Time Period
Reason for Appeal

Later today, we will go to the library and see if they have any of the books you found!

Time Permitting
Begin reading.


Create a plan for how you will stay on task for this assignment.
Consider setting aside certain days to read for a set time. 

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