Thursday, August 11, 2016

Aug. 12

August 12, 2016

E.Q: Identify the major plot components of Beowulf.
Evaluate the authors purpose for the structure of Beowulf.
Obj: I can identify parts of Beowulf's structure and understand the authors purpose.
Big Idea: Hero


Free Write Friday!!

In your starter folder, write about anything/everything.
This should be around 1/2 page double spaced.


Lit Term: Epic Poem
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  long, narrative poem that is usually about heroic deeds and events that are significant to the culture of the poet. Many ancient writers used epic poetry to tell tales of intense adventures and heroic feats.
Your Definition:
Activity: Complete the analogy:
Beowulf is to epic poem, as ___________ is to narrative.


As a class, we will read through pages 3-10.

Discussion Questions
Identify the exposition, conflict, and elements of rising action.
Evaluate the purpose of sequencing these events in this specific order.
Characterize Grendel and Beowulf.
Compare the beginning to steps of the Hero's Journey.

2.  Beowulf Graphic Novel
Compare what we read in class to the first 20 pages.

With the people at your table answer the question:
What information do you gain from the graphic novel that you did not receive from the text?

3.  Comic Strip

Individually, you will create a 6 cell comic strip based off the reading we completed in class today.
You can do this either on sheets of paper or using storyboardthat
Make sure that there is a clear exposition, conflict, and beginning elements of rising action.

For each cell you must include a PEA explanation.

Point-  What is the point/purpose of this cell?
(i chose to add/include ____ to my cell because____)
Elaboration-  How does your comic cell relate to Beowulf?
(This representation relates to _____ about the character/scene)
Analysis- So what?
(For someone who had not read Beowulf, this would show/convey _____.) 

Explain whether or not the graphic novel helped your understanding of Beowulf.
This can be done in 1-2 sentences.

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