Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Aug 17.

August 17, 2016

E.Q: Identify the major plot components of Beowulf.
Evaluate the authors purpose for the structure of Beowulf.
Create your own comic depicting parts of a narrative.
Obj: I can identify parts of Beowulf's structure and understand the authors purpose.
I can create my own adaptation of Beowulf by evaluathing authors structure.
Big Idea: Hero


Complete a plot diagram for the Pixar Short.


Term: Villain
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a character in a story, movie, etc., who does bad things
Your Definition:
Activity: Complete the analogy
Beowulf is to hero, as ________ is to villain.


As a class, we will read through pages 23-31.

Discussion Questions
Compare Beowulf from the beginning of the epic to the end.
Evaluate the purpose of the final battle.
Analyze Beowulf's role as a hero.
Connect the major plot points to the parts of a narrative and a hero's journey.
Evaluate the purpose of the tower.

2.  Hero's Journey
With a partner,  complete the hero's journey chart.
For each box, explain what happens and relate it to the parts of a narrative.

3.  Graphic Novel
Read through Book Three at your tables.
Pay close attention to text and imagery.
Discuss the similarities and differences between the original and the graphic novel.

4.  Comic Creation

Continuing your comic from yesterday, you will create 3 more cells  based off the reading we completed in class today.
You can do this either on sheets of paper or using storyboardthat.

  We will use these tomorrow with a partner to check for understanding of a narrative.  

Overall, what was your opinion of Beowulf?

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