Monday, August 15, 2016

Aug. 16

August 16, 2016

E.Q: Identify the major plot components of Beowulf.
Evaluate the authors purpose for the structure of Beowulf.
Define the term hero.
Obj: I can identify parts of Beowulf's structure and understand the authors purpose.
I can create my own adaptation of Beowulf by evaluathing authors structure.
Big Idea: Hero


Justify whether or not you consider Beowulf to be a hero.
Give an example to support your reasoning.


Term: Anti-hero
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  protagonist or notable figure who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give a modern day example of an anti-hero.  


Read through pages 16-22.

Discussion Questions
Characterize Grendel's mother.
Compare her to her son, Grendel.
Evaluate the stages of the hero's journey in this section.

2.  Graphic Novel
At your tables, read through book two of Beowulf.
Make sure to pay attention to not just the words but the pictures.
Consider how this compares to the version we read in class today.

3.  Comic
Continuing your comic from yesterday, you will create 6 more cells  based off the reading we completed in class today.
You can do this either on sheets of paper or using storyboardthat.

Once you complete the comic answer the following question in a TPEEA paragraph:

Evaluate the purpose of your comic.
(Don't say because I told you to do it.)

This should relate to the intent of the story.  What do you want the audience to walk away with?


Using the learning target, evaluate your understanding of story structure and authors purpose on a 1-4 scale.
Explain your rating.

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