Thursday, August 11, 2016

Aug. 11

August 11, 2016

E.Q: Explain the major parts of a story.
Obj: I can define and identify the major parts of a story.

Using the Learning Target evaluate your knowledge on the structure of a narrative.
Use the GoogleForm to complete this activity.


Literary Term: Exposition
Part of Speech: noun
Dictionary Definition: Introduce background information about events, settings, characters etc. to the audience or readers
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify the exposition of a fairy tale.

Literary Term: Conflict
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:
: a struggle for power, property, etc.
: strong disagreement between people, groups, etc., that results in often angry argument
: a difference that prevents agreement : disagreement between ideas, feelings, etc.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify the conflict of a fairy tale.

Literary Term: Rising Action
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: what happens in a story leading up to the most exciting part of a story (Climax)
Your Definition:  
Activity: Identify the rising action in a fairy tale.

Literary Term: Climax
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify the climax in a fairy tale.

Literary Term: Falling Action
Part of Speech; Noun
Dictionary Definition: parts of a story after the climax and before the very end.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify the falling action in a fairy tale.

 Literary Term: Resolution
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:the final outcome of the story, generally occurring after the climax of the plot. 
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify the resolution of the fairy tale.

1.  Modeling a Narrative
Together we will read the Brothers Grimm version of Cinderella.
As we read, consider the 6 components we discussed in our vocabulary.
We will identify each section together.
As we do this, take Cornell Notes. 

As a class, we will watch the video on the first literary time period in British literature.
Take Cornell Notes based off the video.
In the summary of your notes, create an illustration to support the information in the video.

Which part of a story do you have the most difficulty identifying so far?

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