Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Aug. 18

August 18, 2016

E.Q: Identify the major plot components of Beowulf.
Evaluate the authors purpose for the structure of Beowulf.
Create your own comic depicting parts of a narrative.
Research impact of heroes on society.
Obj: I can identify parts of Beowulf's structure and understand the authors purpose.
I can create my own adaptation of Beowulf by evaluathing authors structure.
I can research how heroes impact society.

Big Idea: Hero


Reflect on your comic.
Use some of the questions below to evaluate your product:

How do you feel about the finished product?  Elaborate.
Which elements do you like or dislike?  Why?
What did you learn as you worked on this project?
What is one thing you would change or improve?
What do you still have questions about?


Term: Hero
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
Your Definition:
Activity: Give an example of a personal hero.
___________ is my hero because _________.


1.  Comic Breakdown

With a partner,  you will evaluate each other's comic based on the elements of a narrative.
On a large sheet of paper, you will create a graphic organizer with the following categories:

Exposition (Setting & Characters)
Conflict (1)
Rising Action (3-5)
Climax (1)
Falling Action (2)
Resolution (1)

Fill out the graphic organizer based on your partners comic.
Make sure to use specific details.

Finally,  include a plus and a delta.

2.  Socratic Seminar Prep

Tomorrow we will conduct our first seminar of the semester based on our big idea of heroes.

Evaluate how media and time portrays heroes and how that impacts society today.


How media and time impacts perception of heroes.
What we expect from heroes.
How our society is shaped by heroes and role models.
How gender, race, status, etc is portrayed.

Optional Sources 

Take Cornell notes to use during the seminar.

Also, create at least 3 Higher Order Thinking Questions


What is one fact that you found interesting based on an article for the seminar.

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