Thursday, August 18, 2016

Aug. 19

August 19, 2016

E.Q: Evaluate how media and time portrays heroes and how that impacts society today.
Obj: I can research and articulate how media and time portrays heroes and how that impacts society.

Big Idea: Hero


Free Write Friday

Respond to the prompt or write freely.
Strive for a 1/2 page, double-spaced.

Image result for writing prompts


Term: Hero
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
Your Definition:
Activity: Evaluate heroes throughout media and history.


Use the link above to reflect on your questions.
Make sure they cannot be answered by a yes or no response.

2.  Socratic Seminar

Evaluate how media and time portrays heroes and how that impacts society today.


How media and time impacts perception of heroes.
What we expect from heroes.
How our society is shaped by heroes and role models.
How gender, race, status, etc is portrayed.

Optional Sources 

Remember to use Cornell notes and HOT questions.


Has your opinions of heroes changed throughout this unit?
Why or why not?

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