Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sept. 1

September 1, 2016

E.Q: Create a narrative based on your individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
Implement vivid details to show over tell your narrative.
Provide feedback to your peers based on the projects requirements.
Obj: I can create a narrative based on my  own individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
I can implement vivid details to show my audience the narrative.
I can provide feedback to my peers based on the projects requirements.

Reflecting on your narrative, what is ONE writing concern that you have.
Write this on a post-it note, so we can review this particular item together.

Image result for writing


Word: Revision
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a change or a set of changes that corrects or improves something
Image result for writingYour Definition:
Activity: Make revisions based on your peer edit form.


Use the handout provided to complete the peer edit for a partner of your choice.
Make sure that you elaborate on ideas.

As you work on the peer edit, I will be rotating around the room for individual conferencing.

2.  Self Reflection
After you complete ONE peer edit, complete the form based on your own opinions of your writing.

3.   Narrative Project Guidelines

Using your revised draft, begin constructing your story,
Make sure to review the rubric to master the content.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Aug. 31

August 30, 2016

E.Q: Create a narrative based on your individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
Implement vivid details to show over tell your narrative.
Obj: I can create a narrative based on my  own individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
I can implement vivid details to show my audience the narrative.


Reflect on your narrative thus far.
Write yourself one plus and one delta.

Image result for words of encouragement


Word: Structure
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.
Your Definition:
Activity: Create a narrative based on the literary structure.


1.  Show vs. Tell

To make sure that your narrative uses vibrant imagery you should incorporate all of the senses.
Use detail.
Often times we rely solely on sight and see  large imbalance compared to the other senses.

Use the chart below to color code your details.  
Reflect on which colors you see the most and what differences you can make.
Revise based on your data.






Using your revised draft, begin constructing your story,
Make sure to review the rubric to master the content.

Image result for show and tell example

Reflect on the colors in your original draft.
Explain your reaction.

Hero Seminar Alternate Assignment

August 30, 2016

Evaluate how media and time portrays heroes and how that impacts society today.


How media and time impacts perception of heroes.
What we expect from heroes.
How our society is shaped by heroes and role models.
How gender, race, status, etc is portrayed.

Optional Sources 

In TWO TPEQEA paragraphs answer the prompt for the Socratic Seminar.
The first paragraph should focus on how media portrays heroes.
The second paragraph should evaluate how heroes have changed throughout time.
Make sure that each paragraph includes a QUOTE.
The quote may come from one of the websites provided or another outside source.

Due Date: Friday, September 9

Image result for hero quotes

Monday, August 29, 2016

Aug. 30

August 30, 2016

E.Q: Create a narrative based on your individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
Obj: I can create a narrative based on my  own individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.


S.M.A.R.T goal

Create a S.M.A.R.T goal for yourself.
It should be time sensitive so that you can peer edit by Thursday.

Image result for smart goals


Word: Structure
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.
Your Definition:
Activity: Create a narrative based on the literary structure.


Using your outline from yesterday, begin constructing your story,
Make sure to review the rubric to master the content.

Image result for flash fiction examples

Reflect on your S.M.A.R.T.

What are you proud of and what do you still need to complete?

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Aug. 29

August 29, 2016

E.Q: Create a narrative based on your individualistic topic.
Obj: I can create a narrative based on my  own individualistic topic.


Brainstorm at least five ideas that you would like to write stories on.



Word: Direct Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: tells the audience about the characters personality.
Your Definition:
Activity:Create a character using vivid direct  characterization.

Word: Indirect Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  shows things about the character to the audience.
Your Definition:
Activity:Create a character using vivid indirect characterization.


1. Narrative Project Brainstorm

Narrative Project Guidelines

Develop an idea of a story that you would like to create. 

Six Pointed Star

Create a six point star graphic organizer.
In the center place the word story.'
On the points write the word who, what, where, when, why, and how?

Image result for six point star

Use the details from the graphic organizer to create an outline.
Use the link above to help make the outline.

Image result for how to write an outline

Remember the structure of the story:

Exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.


Which sense do you believe you utilize the most when showing the reader details.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Aug. 26

August 26, 2016

E.Q: Analyze the characters introduced in the prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Demonstrate your understanding of story structure and author's purpose through benchmark testing.
Obj: I can use direct and indirect characterization to analyze The Canterbury Tales.
I can demonstrate my understanding of story structure and author's purpose.


Free Write Friday!

Write a 1/2 page double-spaced.

Image result for writing prompts tell this story


Word: Direct Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: tells the audience about the characters personality.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify direct characterization in The Canterbury Tales.

Word: Indirect Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  shows things about the character to the audience.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify indirect characterization in The Canterbury Tales.


1.  Gallery Walk

As you observe each others posters, write down at least one fact per character.

2.  Benchmark

Log in to

You're class is labeled Fall English IV.
Click on Benchmark 8/26.

Complete all of the multiple choice questions and free response.
You are required to receive a minimum score of 80%. 

This is due September 2. 
Revisions will be posted then.

How successful do you feel about this benchmark?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Aug. 25

August 25, 2016

E.Q: Analyze the characters introduced in the prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Obj: I can use direct and indirect characterization to analyze The Canterbury Tales.


What are at LEAST three facts that you have learned about your character so far.


Word: Direct Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: tells the audience about the characters personality.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify direct characterization in The Canterbury Tales.

Word: Indirect Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  shows things about the character to the audience.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify indirect characterization in The Canterbury Tales.


1.  Canterbury Tales Character Analysis

Follow the instructions in the document.

2.  Gallery Walk

As you observe each others posters, write down at least one fact per character.


Using the learning target, 1-4, where would you rank yourself in identifying direct and indirect characterization?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Aug. 24

August 23, 2016

E.Q: Analyze the characters introduced in the prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Obj: I can use direct and indirect characterization to analyze The Canterbury Tales.


To the best of your ability, summarize The Canterbury Tales.
(At least what we have read so far.)

Summarize in 3-5 sentences.


Word: Direct Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: tells the audience about the characters personality.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify direct characterization in The Canterbury Tales.

Word: Indirect Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  shows things about the character to the audience.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify indirect characterization in The Canterbury Tales.


1.  Prologue Review

Canterbury Tales Google Doc

Together, we will go over the reading from yesterday.
Use the information to increase your understanding.

Use the pdf to refresh direct and indirect characterization.

3.  Canterbury Tales Character Analysis

Follow the instructions in the document.


Using the learning target, what level of understanding are you at for direct and indirect characterization?

Aug. 23

August 23, 2016

E.Q: Analyze the characters introduced in the prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Obj: I can use direct and indirect characterization to analyze The Canterbury Tales.


To the best of your ability, summarize The Canterbury Tales.
(At least what we have read so far.)

Summarize in 3-5 sentences.


Word: Direct Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: tells the audience about the characters personality.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify direct characterization in The Canterbury Tales.

Word: Indirect Characterization
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  shows things about the character to the audience.
Your Definition:
Activity: Identify indirect characterization in The Canterbury Tales.


1.  Prologue Review

Canterbury Tales Google Doc

Together, we will go over the reading from yesterday.
Use the information to increase your understanding.

Use the pdf to refresh direct and indirect characterization.

3.  Canterbury Tales Character Analysis

Follow the instructions in the document.


Using the learning target, what level of understanding are you at for direct and indirect characterization?

Monday, August 22, 2016

Aug. 23

August 23, 2016

E.Q: How does Middle English compare to Modern English?
Obj: I can annotate Middle English to create understanding.
I can compare and contrast the differences between Middle and Modern English.


I will provide you with a hard copy to fill out.


Word: Middle English
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the English language between about 1100 and 1400
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an example of middle English writing.
Provide the link/picture in your document.


As a class, we will watch the video.
Pay attention to the pronunciations!
This will help with your read aloud. 

With a partner, you will read the Prologue of Canterbury Tales.
It is written in Middle English, so make sure that you read it out loud.  
As you read, annotate each verse for understanding.
Additionally, consider which character sounds most interesting.
You will be looking at one story of your choice later.


After reading the prologue, which character did you find most interesting?

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Aug. 19

August 19, 2016

E.Q: Evaluate how media and time portrays heroes and how that impacts society today.
Obj: I can research and articulate how media and time portrays heroes and how that impacts society.

Big Idea: Hero


Free Write Friday

Respond to the prompt or write freely.
Strive for a 1/2 page, double-spaced.

Image result for writing prompts


Term: Hero
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.
Your Definition:
Activity: Evaluate heroes throughout media and history.


Use the link above to reflect on your questions.
Make sure they cannot be answered by a yes or no response.

2.  Socratic Seminar

Evaluate how media and time portrays heroes and how that impacts society today.


How media and time impacts perception of heroes.
What we expect from heroes.
How our society is shaped by heroes and role models.
How gender, race, status, etc is portrayed.

Optional Sources 

Remember to use Cornell notes and HOT questions.


Has your opinions of heroes changed throughout this unit?
Why or why not?