Monday, November 7, 2016

Nov. 8

November 8, 2016

E.Q: Summarize each section of part one.
Infer how each character feels about the dinner party.
Obj: I can infer how each character feels about the dinner party.
I can summarize each section of part one.

Read the Ten Little Soldiers Boys Poem.
Make a connection between the poem and the story we are about to read.


Vocab Word: Theme
Part of Speech: Noun 
Dictionary Definition:main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly. 
Your Definition; 
Activity: State one thing you already know about theme.

1.  Partner Read

With a partner read pages 1-17.
You will notice the book is divided into large parts with smaller chapters inside.
For each small chapter, write a 1-2 sentence summary.

Please write the summaries in the ATTWN Google Doc provided.

2.  Journal Entry

Look back over your summaries.
Individually, pick one character that intrigued you the most.
 Infer how they feel about the dinner party and the other guests.  
What is his/her expectation of the party?

Write your response from that characters perspective.
Please write at least a half page.

If you do not complete this in class, please finish for homework.

What is your initial impression of this book?
From a literary aspect, how does it compare to Beowulf and Hamlet.

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