Thursday, November 3, 2016

Nov. 4

November 4, 2016

E.Q; Present your satire to your peers.
Articulate ideas about global issues and question your peers. 
Obj: I can present my satire to my peers.
I can articulate ideas about global issues.


Free Write Friday

Create a half-page, double-spaced free write.

Image result for writing prompts


Term: Global Issues
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  any global social, economic, political or environmental problem that has already arisen or can arise from global change or globalization, e.g. overpopulation, or water scarcity.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Analyze a global issue by researching information and formulating solutions.


You will present your satires in small groups.

Before you begin, introduce your topic and why you selected it.
Make sure that you share the entire product.

2.  Socratic Seminar

Critique global issues that impact society.
Share your research and ask higher order thinking questions.

Reflect on your project.
Write one plus and one delta.  

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