Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dec. 1

December 1, 2016

E.Q: Review the concepts that we have developed throughout the semester.
Obj: I can review the concepts tat we have developed throughout the semester.


We have finished And Then There Were None!
What do you think of the ending!?
Give specific details of your reaction.



Term: Review 
Part of Speech: verb
Dictionary Definition: to examine or study again
Your Definition: 
Activity: What is one area that you need to review the most (for English!).


1.  Mind Map Completion

 Original Map Requirements

In the middle write And Then There Were None
Parts of a Narrative
(Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution)
Subject(s) of Work
Insight/Truth to Learn (2)
Predictions (2)
Connection/Pattern in Life (2)
Image (2)

Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
Insights/Truth (2)
Theme and Quote (1)
Images (2)

Image result for mind map study tools

2.  Fall 2015 Released NC Final Exam

 Individually, you will complete part of the released exam.
You will get 25 minutes to answer questions 1-11.
Make sure to use any test taking strategies that work well for you.

As a class, we will go over the answers.

What is one area that you could use the most help in?

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