Sunday, November 13, 2016

Nov. 14

November 14, 2016

E.Q: Infer whether each character is guilty or innocent based on the reading.
Predict who is responsible for the events at Soldier Island.
Obj: I can infer whether each character is guilty or innocent based on the reading.
I can predict who is responsible for the events at Soldier Island.


Reflect on page 47 from the reading on Thursday.
Determine which characters are guilty and/or innocent.
Explain your rationale.

Image result for and then there were none 


Word: Prediction
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a statement about what will happen or might happen in the future
Your Definition:
Activity: Make a prediction in regards to who U.N Owen is.


1.  Chunked Reading

You will each be assigned a section from today's chunked reading. 
As you read, pay attention to details.
Look for information that reveals the characters true nature.
When you are done, select one quote that reveals that chapters main idea.
We will use these quotes for a brainstorming carousel later.

Chapter 4
1.  Wargrave
2.  Vera, MacArthur, Marston, Lombard
3.  Rogers, Blore, Armstrong
4.  Brent

Everyone read Chapter 5, Sub 1

2.  Brainstorming Carousel 

Write your quote from your  assigned chapter on a large sheet of paper.
You will rotate around the room reacting to the quote your classmates selected.


Select one prompt to respond to in a TPEQEA paragraph.

  • Select one character of interest.  Infer if that character is guilty or innocent of the crime he or she has been accused of.   Justify your reasoning.
  • Based on the reading, predict who the killer is.
  • Based on the reading, infer what the author's main idea is thus far.

Describe your reaction to chapter five. 

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