Sunday, November 20, 2016

Nov. 21

November 21, 2016

E.Q: Use inferences to draw conclusions about the murderer on Soldier Island.
Obj: I can infer characters statement based on textual evidence.
I can justify my reasoning with textual support.


Review your persuasion maps from Thursday.
Make sure that you are knowledgeable about your character.
Add anything you think is necessary.


Word: Trial
Part of Speech:  Noun
Dictionary Definition: a formal meeting in a court in which evidence about crimes, disagreements, etc., is presented to a judge and often a jury so that decisions can be made according to the law
Your Definition:
Activity: Participate in a mock trial.


1.  Mock Trial: Are you U.N. Owen?

As a class, we will conduct a mock trial.
If your character is alive, you are responsible for creating a statement of innocence.
If your character is dead, you will serve as the jury.
You will be creating questions to ask each character.

Each character will present their case.
Then, the jury will  have a moment to ask any questions that are relevant to the proceedings.

As a whole, we will vote to see who we believe is guilty of the crime.
This organizer may help you with your statement.

2.  Chunked Reading

With a partner you will be responsible for reading the following pages: 


Eventually, you will be creating a crime scene log so pay close attention to detail.

3.  Crime Scene Log

Individually, you will complete the Crime Scene Log Handout.

You should complete this for the death of one of the following characters:

Anthony Marston
Ms. Rogers
Gen. MacArthur
Mr. Rogers

Image result for crime scene

What character did you select for your crime scene log and why?

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