Sunday, November 6, 2016

Nov. 7

November 7, 2016

E.Q: Draw conclusions based on inferences to determine who killed who?
Obj: I can solve mysteries based on using inferences.


Journal Entry
You are cordially invited to a dinner party.

You do not know by whom.
The only information you are given is the address.
You are to be taken to a secluded mansion that no one has lived in in years.
What do you do?
Do you decline?
Do you go?
Explain your decision and predict what will happen while there.
Write this as a journal entry. 

Inference- a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
Part of Speech: noun
Your own Definition:
Activity: What does it look like to infer something?

1.  Clue
Clue Checklist
Play one round of Clue.
What skills do you have to use?
How were you able to solve the murder of Mr. Body?
When else might you use these skills?

2.  Whodunit?

In your same groups, select one of the two scenarios:

The Bank Robbery
The Kelley Murder

I will give you the appropriate envelope.

At your table, take turns pulling out a sheet of paper and reading the clue.
As you are reading, have one person scribe the clues.
Once you have read all the clues put them together to tell the story.

3.  Reflect
What skills did you have to use this time?
How was this similar and different to Clue?

Why do you think these activities were conducted today?

Based on your knowledge of inferences, where are you currently on the learning target?

Remember it is on a scale of 1-4.

Why did you select that level of understanding?

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