Monday, November 28, 2016

Nov. 29

November 29, 2016

E.Q: Present your products from your independent reading project.
Identify the theme of And Then There Were None based on your inferred insights and truths.
Obj: I can present my product for the independent reading project.
I can identify the theme of the story based on my inferences.


Project Reflection
Create a 5 sentence reflection on your product.

Things to Consider:
What are you proud of?
What would you do differently?
What was the biggest challenge?
How would you evaluate your product?


Word: Insight
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  the power or act of seeing into a situation
Your Definition: 
Activity: Identify one insight you have gained so far from the story. 

Image result for insight


You will present in small groups.
These groups will be assigned and multiple people will present at the same time.
Each person will present twice so it is your responsibility to decide which to go to.
For each presentation, write down a plus and delta.
We will have time late to exchange feedback.

2.  And Then There Were None
Individually or with a partner, read through pages 239-259.

As you read fill out a double entry journal.
You should select THREE quotes that are influential to the plot/theme.
Make sure to complete your reaction in complete sentences.

We will discuss these pages as a class based on the information in your journal.

3.  Theme Soundtrack 
With your partner, identify the theme that is present in the story.

Theme Litmus Test 
Is the theme supported by evidence from the work itself?
 Are all the author’s choices of plot, character, conflict, and tone controlled by this theme? 

Then based on your theme, create a soundtrack that has 5 songs with the similar theme.
Write a 2-3 sentence explanation of the song and how it relates to the theme of ATTWN.

Image result for music

How confident do you feel identifying theme?
Use the learning target to rate your level of understanding and explain your rationale.

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