Monday, November 14, 2016

Nov, 15

November 15, 2016

E.Q: Define and identify patterns.
Identify the parts of a narrative to help infer the theme.
Obj: I can define and identify patterns.
I can identify the parts of a narrative to help infer the theme.

What is a pattern that you notice in your own life?
Reflect on some of your daily routines and habits and describe one in detail.

Image result for geometric pattern


Word: Pattern
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: 
  •  a repeated form or design especially that is used to decorate something
  • : the regular and repeated way in which something happens or is done
  • : something that happens in a regular and repeated way
Your Definition:
Activity: Find a picture of a pattern and place it with your vocab.


1.  Chunked Reading

With a partner, read through pages 


You will complete a mind map on part of these pages.
Look for the directions below:

2.  Mind Map

Map Requirements

In the middle write And Then There Were None
Parts of a Narrative
(Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution)
Subject(s) of Work
Insight/Truth to Learn (2)
Predictions (2)
Connection/Pattern in Life (2)
Image (2)

Image result for mind map


What is one literary device you still need help identifying?

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