Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nov. 3

November 3, 2016

E:Q: How do you define a satire?
Identify examples of satire and evaluate its commentary on society.
Create a product that demonstrates major characteristics of satire.
Research global issues and identify possible solutions.
Obj: I can define satire.
I can identify examples of satire and evaluate its commentary on society.
I can create a product that demonstrates major characteristics of satire.
I can research global issues and identify possible solutions.


What issue are you basing your satire off of?
Why did you select this as your topic?
In 2-3 sentences explain why this issue is either so important to you or how it impacts your life.

Image result for global issues


Term: Global Issues
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  any global social, economic, political or environmental problem that has already arisen or can arise from global change or globalization, e.g. overpopulation, or water scarcity.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Analyze a global issue by researching information and formulating solutions.


1.   Satire Project (45 minutes)

Read the instructions for the project.

This is due Friday, November 4.

2.  Socratic Seminar Prep

After the presentations tomorrow we will conduct a mini Socratic Seminar focusing on global issues.
You will focus your research for this seminar based on the issue you satirized.
Continue to take Cornell Notes.
For the seminar tomorrow you should have at least TWO HOT questions. 

Using the learning target, how well do you understand satire?

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