Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Nov. 2

November 2, 2016

E:Q: How do you define a satire?
Identify examples of satire and evaluate its commentary on society.
Create a product that demonstrates major characteristics of satire.
Demonstrate knowledge of concepts reviewed over this quarter.
Obj: I can define satire.
I can identify examples of satire and evaluate its commentary on society.
I can create a product that demonstrates major characteristics of satire.
I can demonstrate knowledge of concepts reviewed throughout this quarter. 

Select ONE cartoon to analyze. 
Identify the criticism and explain what commentary it is making about society.

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Lit Term: Sarcasm
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:
Your Definition:  a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
Activity: Create your own example of a sarcastic statement.

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1.  Benchmark 11/2

Log in to usatestprep.com

You're class is labeled Fall English IV.
Click on Benchmark 11/2.

Complete all of the multiple choice questions and free response.
You are required to receive a minimum score of 80%. 

This is due November 9. 
Revisions will be posted then.

Image result for motivational cartoon animals

2.  Time Remaining

 Satire Project Work Day

Read the instructions for the project.

This is due Friday, November 4.


Write yourself one positive statement!

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