Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dec. 1

December 1, 2016

E.Q: Review the concepts that we have developed throughout the semester.
Obj: I can review the concepts tat we have developed throughout the semester.


We have finished And Then There Were None!
What do you think of the ending!?
Give specific details of your reaction.



Term: Review 
Part of Speech: verb
Dictionary Definition: to examine or study again
Your Definition: 
Activity: What is one area that you need to review the most (for English!).


1.  Mind Map Completion

 Original Map Requirements

In the middle write And Then There Were None
Parts of a Narrative
(Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution)
Subject(s) of Work
Insight/Truth to Learn (2)
Predictions (2)
Connection/Pattern in Life (2)
Image (2)

Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
Insights/Truth (2)
Theme and Quote (1)
Images (2)

Image result for mind map study tools

2.  Fall 2015 Released NC Final Exam

 Individually, you will complete part of the released exam.
You will get 25 minutes to answer questions 1-11.
Make sure to use any test taking strategies that work well for you.

As a class, we will go over the answers.

What is one area that you could use the most help in?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nov. 30

November 30, 2016

E.Q: Identify the theme of And Then There Were None based on your inferred insights and truths.
Organize your ideas using a mind map.
Obj: I can identify the theme of the story based on my inferences.
I can organize my ideas using a mind map.

Listen to the lyrics of the video.
Determine a potential theme and relate it to And Then There Were None.


Word: Insight
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  the power or act of seeing into a situation
Your Definition: 
Activity: Identify one insight you have gained so far from the story. 

Image result for insight


1.  Theme Soundtrack 
With your partner, identify the theme that is present in the story.

Theme Litmus Test 
Is the theme supported by evidence from the work itself?
 Are all the author’s choices of plot, character, conflict, and tone controlled by this theme? 

Then based on your theme, create a soundtrack that has 5 songs with the similar theme.
Write a 2-3 sentence explanation of the song and how it relates to the theme of ATTWN.

Image result for music
2.  Chunked Reading

With a partner, read pages 

When you finish, discuss with your partner your reaction to the Manuscript Document sent to Scotland Yard by the master of the Emma Jane fishing trawler.
We will be sharing our reactions as a class. 

3.  Mind Map Completion

 Original Map Requirements

In the middle write And Then There Were None
Parts of a Narrative
(Exposition, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution)
Subject(s) of Work
Insight/Truth to Learn (2)
Predictions (2)
Connection/Pattern in Life (2)
Image (2)

Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
Insights/Truth (2)
Theme and Quote (1)
Images (2)


How confident do you feel identifying theme?
Use the learning target to rate your level of understanding and explain your rationale.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Nov. 29

November 29, 2016

E.Q: Present your products from your independent reading project.
Identify the theme of And Then There Were None based on your inferred insights and truths.
Obj: I can present my product for the independent reading project.
I can identify the theme of the story based on my inferences.


Project Reflection
Create a 5 sentence reflection on your product.

Things to Consider:
What are you proud of?
What would you do differently?
What was the biggest challenge?
How would you evaluate your product?


Word: Insight
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  the power or act of seeing into a situation
Your Definition: 
Activity: Identify one insight you have gained so far from the story. 

Image result for insight


You will present in small groups.
These groups will be assigned and multiple people will present at the same time.
Each person will present twice so it is your responsibility to decide which to go to.
For each presentation, write down a plus and delta.
We will have time late to exchange feedback.

2.  And Then There Were None
Individually or with a partner, read through pages 239-259.

As you read fill out a double entry journal.
You should select THREE quotes that are influential to the plot/theme.
Make sure to complete your reaction in complete sentences.

We will discuss these pages as a class based on the information in your journal.

3.  Theme Soundtrack 
With your partner, identify the theme that is present in the story.

Theme Litmus Test 
Is the theme supported by evidence from the work itself?
 Are all the author’s choices of plot, character, conflict, and tone controlled by this theme? 

Then based on your theme, create a soundtrack that has 5 songs with the similar theme.
Write a 2-3 sentence explanation of the song and how it relates to the theme of ATTWN.

Image result for music

How confident do you feel identifying theme?
Use the learning target to rate your level of understanding and explain your rationale.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Nov. 28

November 28, 2016

E.Q: Summarize and infer the illustration of each chapter.
Obj: I can summarize and infer the illustration of each chapter. 


Think back  to last week.
State who you accused of the crimes and why.

And Then There Were None


Word: Conscience
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: 
a :  the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good
b :  a faculty, power, or principle enjoining good actsc :  the part of the superego in psychoanalysis that transmits commands and admonitions to the egoYour Definition:Activity: Find an image that helps your understanding of consciousness.
Activity:1.  Table Read.With your tables you will take turns reading the pages assigned to you.You will be responsible for presenting the information to the class so be thorough.For every chapter within your section create a one sentence summary.You will then create a six cell comic to represent your chunk.
You may create this on paper or in storyboardthat.
2.  Gallery Walk
Individually, write down two facts about each comic.We will use this information to have a discussion on the pages read in class.As we talk. consider what insights and truths the reader can learn from this. 
Image result for conscience quotes
Closure:What is your reaction to the end of today's reading. Infer this based on the comics and conversation.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Nov. 22

November 22, 2016

E.Q: Demonstrate application of skills developed throughout the semester.
Obj: I can demonstrate application of skills developed throughout the semester. 


Image result for what are you thankful for

Respond to the picture in a couple sentences.


Word: Thankful
Part of Speech: adj.
Dictionary Definition: pleased and relieved.
My Definition: 
Activity: Explain what you are thankful for.


1.  Benchmark 11/22

  Benchmark 11/22

Log in to

You're class is labeled Fall English IV.
Click on Benchmark 11/22.

Complete all of the multiple choice questions and free response.
You are required to receive a minimum score of 80%. 

This is due November 30. 
Revisions will be posted then.

Image result for motivational unicorn


Write yourself a positive message for the break!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Nov. 21

November 21, 2016

E.Q: Use inferences to draw conclusions about the murderer on Soldier Island.
Obj: I can infer characters statement based on textual evidence.
I can justify my reasoning with textual support.


Review your persuasion maps from Thursday.
Make sure that you are knowledgeable about your character.
Add anything you think is necessary.


Word: Trial
Part of Speech:  Noun
Dictionary Definition: a formal meeting in a court in which evidence about crimes, disagreements, etc., is presented to a judge and often a jury so that decisions can be made according to the law
Your Definition:
Activity: Participate in a mock trial.


1.  Mock Trial: Are you U.N. Owen?

As a class, we will conduct a mock trial.
If your character is alive, you are responsible for creating a statement of innocence.
If your character is dead, you will serve as the jury.
You will be creating questions to ask each character.

Each character will present their case.
Then, the jury will  have a moment to ask any questions that are relevant to the proceedings.

As a whole, we will vote to see who we believe is guilty of the crime.
This organizer may help you with your statement.

2.  Chunked Reading

With a partner you will be responsible for reading the following pages: 


Eventually, you will be creating a crime scene log so pay close attention to detail.

3.  Crime Scene Log

Individually, you will complete the Crime Scene Log Handout.

You should complete this for the death of one of the following characters:

Anthony Marston
Ms. Rogers
Gen. MacArthur
Mr. Rogers

Image result for crime scene

What character did you select for your crime scene log and why?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Nov. 18

November 18, 2016

E.Q: Create a product based on a novel of your choice.
Obj: I can create a product based on the novel I selected.


Free Write Friday

Create a half page, double-spaced free write.
You may use the prompt below for inspiration.



Select one option from the choices in the document.
Make sure to read through all of the requirements for each option.


What do you still need to complete for the project.
Don't forget it is due Tuesday, November 29.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Nov. 17

November 17, 2016

E.Q: Use inferences to draw conclusions about the murderer on Soldier Island.
Obj: I can infer characters statement based on textual evidence.
I can justify my reasoning with textual support.

In 2-3 sentences explain if that is how you pictured the characters.

Image result for and there were none

Word: Jury
Part of Speech:  (noun)
Dictionary Definition:a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court.
Your Definition:
Activity: Act as a juror to decide who is responsible for the deaths on Soldier Island.

Word: Defendant 
Part of Speech:(noun)
Dictionary Definition: an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.
Your Definition:
Activity: Decide which defendant is guilty.


1.  Gallery Walk

Take out your profile from yesterday.
Consider what your character would post on another character's wall.
You must comment on at least three people's profiles.
Make sure your comments are relevant and use complete sentences.

2.  Paired Reading
With your partner from the profile, partner read pages:



As you read, infer what your characters statement to the court would be.
If your character is dead, consider what questions the jury would still ask.
What information do you still want to know?

This will be helpful for the mock trial.
Image result for mock trial

3.  Gathering Information

As a class, we will conduct a mock trial.
If your character is alive, you are responsible for creating a statement of innocence.
If your character is dead, you will serve as the jury.
You will be creating questions to ask each character.

As a whole, we will vote to see who we believe is guilty of the crime.
This organizer may help you with your statement.
You may also use this interactive version if you prefer it online. 

4.  Mock Trial

Each character will present their case.
The jury will then have a moment to ask any questions that are relevant to the proceedings.

Do you agree with the class' ruling?
Justify your reasoning.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Nov. 16

November 16, 2016

E.Q: Infer different qualities and traits about a specific character.
Obj: I can infer different qualities and traits about a specific character.


As we continue to read more information is revealed about each character.
Once again, reflect on yourself.
What is one secret you keep?
Create a PostSecret card to represent yourself.
This is anonymous so you don't have to put your name on it.




Word: Secret
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others.
Your Definition:
Activity: Answer the question...How good are you at keeping secrets?


1.  Chunked Reading

With a partner read the following pages:


As you read, pay attention to the way the people are characterized.
Take any notes on the character you have been assigned for the profile.

2.  Profiling

To fully understand these characters, we are going to need to make inferences based on what we know.
You will be responsible for creating a profile based on inferring information from the text.
(Use the information from pages 1-131)
You are responsible for creating an organized lay out to present this information. 

Edward Armstrong
Emily Brent
William Blore
Vera Claythorne
Philip Lombard
John Macarthur
Anthony Marston
Thomas and Ethel Rogers
Lawrence Wargrave 

Profile Requirements:
Physical Appearance (Picture)
About Section

We will conduct a gallery walk when complete.
Each character will be responsible for commenting on at least three other characters walls. 

Did the profile help you to better understand the characters?
Why or why not?