Thursday, October 6, 2016

Oct. 7

October 7, 2016

E.Q: Demonstrate your understanding and application of  textual evidence.
Compare and contrast Hamlet to the Lion King.
Obj: I can demonstrate my understanding and application of textual evidence.  
I can compare and contrast Hamlet to the Lion King.


Free Write Friday

In your starter folder, create a half page, double-spaced free write.

Image result for writing prompts


Term: Compare
Part of Speech: Verb
Dictionary Definition: estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Compare Hamlet and the Lion King.

Term: Contrast
Part of Speech: Verb 
Dictionary Definition: differ strikingly.
Your Definition:
Activity: Contrast Hamlet and the Lion King.

Image result for scar simba

Use Hamlet Vocab for this element.
You should have 30 words by the end of the unit.
For each activity box use the word in a sentence.
It will go for a grade at the end of the unit.
* There are more than 30 boxes in this document.  You do not have to fill them all
This is due today.


1.  Benchmark 10/6

Log in to

You're class is labeled Fall English IV.
Click on Benchmark 10/6.

Complete all of the multiple choice questions and free response.
You are required to receive a minimum score of 80%. 

This is due October 14. 
Revisions will be posted then.

Image result for you can do it quotes

2.   Lion King

As a class, we will watch the Lion King.
Compare and contrast the movie to Hamlet.

Create a Venn Diagram.
Write Hamlet in one circle and The Lion King in the other.
You must include at least 15 items in each circle.


What is at least one major similarity and difference you have found in the Lion King so far?

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