Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Oct. 13

October 13, 2016

E.Q: Compare and contrast Hamlet to the Lion King.
Obj: I can compare and contrast Hamlet to the Lion King.


Create a SMART goal for the second quarter.

Image result for smart goals

Term: Compare
Part of Speech: Verb
Dictionary Definition: estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Compare Hamlet and the Lion King.

Term: Contrast
Part of Speech: Verb 
Dictionary Definition: differ strikingly.
Your Definition:
Activity: Contrast Hamlet and the Lion King.


1.  PreTest Information

2. Finish the Lion King

As a class, we will watch the Lion King.
Compare and contrast the movie to Hamlet.

Create a Venn Diagram.
Write Hamlet in one circle and The Lion King in the other.
You must include at least 15 items in each circle.

3.  Hamlet Final Project

We will continue to work on this in class.
Together we will review how to develop a thesis statement and work on MLA in-text citations.

A full rough draft will be due October 20.

The remaining class time will be yours to work on brainstorming ideas and gathering evidence.


How confident do you feel comparing and contrasting items?
Use the learning target.

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