Thursday, October 13, 2016

Oct. 14

October 14, 2016

E.Q:  Create an analysis of a character in Hamlet.
Support your claims with textual evidence.
Organize ideas in a coherent structure. 
Obj: I can create an analysis of a character in Hamlet.
I can support my claims with textual evidence.
I can organize ideas in a coherent structure.


Free Write Friday

This should be a half page, double-spaced.

Image result for writing prompts


Term: Analysis
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other
: an explanation of the nature and meaning of something
Your Definition: 
Activity: Create a character analysis. 


1.  Hamlet Final Project

We will continue to work on this in class.
Together we will review how to develop a thesis statement and work on MLA in-text citations.

Read the information linked above and take Cornell notes.
While you might not be using all of these mediums, it will be helpful for in the future.

Read through the article above and continue to take Cornell notes.

Helpful Website

Once you have completed both sets of notes it is time to organize ideas and begin writing.
 Use the umbrella organizer to develop your thesis statement.
A full rough draft will be due October 20. 

What is one concern that you have about this analysis?

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