Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Oct. 5

October 5, 2016

E.Q: Analyze the play Hamlet and support your ideas with textual evidence.
Obj: I can analyze the play Hamlet and support my ideas with textual evidence.

What is your opinion of the play Hamlet?
Elaborate on your stance.

Image result for hamlet


Term: Tragedy
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one concerning the downfall of the main character.
Your Definition: 
Activity: In a sentence, explain how Hamlet is a tragedy.

Image result for tragedy hamlet

Use Hamlet Vocab for this element.
You should have 30 words by the end of the unit.
For each activity box use the word in a sentence.
It will go for a grade at the end of the unit.
* There are more than 30 boxes in this document.  You do not have to fill them all

1.  Act Five Scene Two


First Ambassador

Interpret the conversation between Horatio and Hamlet.
Characterize Hamlet based on what he tells Horatio.
Describe the interaction between Hamlet and Osric.
Evaluate how Laertes and Claudius' plan works out?
Explain the relationship between Horatio and Hamlet.    

2.  BBC Production

In small groups, you will collaborate to create a 1-2 minute skit of the entire play.
Make sure that you capture the main idea of the play and incorporate at least TWO important quotes.
We will watch the video above to help with inspiration.
This should be original!

Before you begin organize your ideas.

Make a copy of this table into your assignment folder.
Make sure to share the document with all of the group members.

Once complete, create a script and make sure to time yourself!
You have a strict 1-2 minute time limit.

Evaluate your skit.
Write your group one plus and one delta.

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