Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Oct. 20

October 20, 201

E.Q: Critique your peers analysis of Hamlet.
Obj: I can provide beneficial feedback for my peers.



What is one concern that you have about your analysis?
Write your concern on a post-it note.


Term: Analysis
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other

: an explanation of the nature and meaning of something
Your Definition: 

Activity: Peer edit a classmates character analysis. 

Image result for analysis


1.    Peer Edit

You are responsible for providing feedback for one classmate.

Please answer ALL questions in the handout.

5 minutes to read
10 minutes to complete peer edit form
10 minutes to go over feedback

Image result for motivational penguin

2.  Revising
Consider the feedback that you were given.

Go back to your essay and revise where necessary.

We will continue to work on this in class.
Together we will review how to develop a thesis statement and work on MLA in-text citations.

Work on character design if you finish revisions.


The final draft is due Thursday, October 27.

Evaluate whether or not your peer gave you effective feedback. 
Explain your evaluation.

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