Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Oct. 27

October 27, 2016

E:Q: How do you define a satire?
Identify examples of satire and evaluate its commentary on society.
Create a product that demonstrates major characteristics of satire.
Obj: I can define satire.
I can identify examples of satire and evaluate its commentary on society.
I can create a product that demonstrates major characteristics of satire.

Summarize the major criticisms of a Modest Proposal and identify techniques used.

Image result for baby dressed as food

Lit Term: Sarcasm
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:
Your Definition:  a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
Activity: Create your own example of a sarcastic statement.


As a class, we will read Jonathan Swift's Modest Proposal.

As you read consider how this is an example of satire.

Discussion Questions
Analyze the criticism Swift makes of the Irish.
Identify techniques of satire utilized in this essay.
Summarize the essay to the best of your ability.
Determine your opinion on the piece.

Image result for a modest proposal pdf

2.  Chalk Talk

With your tables, reflect on the satirical proposal.
Identify the sentence that creates the best criticism using a satirical technique.
Explain your reasoning.

Post this somewhere in the room for your classmates to react to it.

Read the instructions for the project.

This is due Friday, November 4.

Complete the planning sheet before you being to create your product.

What is one thing that will assist you in creating your product?

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