Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sept. 30

September 30, 2016

E.Q: Analyze how nature and nurture impact character.
Vocalize your claims through a respectful manner.
Support beliefs with textual evidence.
Obj: I can analyze how nature and nurture impact character.
I can vocalize my claims through a respectful manner.
I can support my beliefs with textual evidence.

Friday Free Write
Create a half page, double-spaced free write. 

Image result for tumblr write prompt


Term: Nature
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing
Your Definition: 
Activity: Use the word in a sentence.

Term: Nurture
Part of Speech: noun
Dictionary Definition: the care and attention given to someone or something that is growing or developing
Your Definition:
Activity: Use the word in a sentence.

Image result for nature vs nurture \

1.  Socratic Seminar

Evaluate how character is developed through nature and nurture.
Cite specific examples and case studies of how these two components shape our personality.


Discuss your opinions on the topic. 
Make sure to support ideas with textual evidence and reference your sources.

Did you opinion change from the beginning of the seminar?
Reflect on your opinion.

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