Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sept. 26

September 26, 2016

E.Q: Identify major ideas in act three of Hamlet.
Support your analysis with textual evidence.
Create your own unique adaptation of Act Three.
Obj: I can identify major ideas in Hamlet.
I can support my analysis with textual evidence.
I can create my own adaptation of act three.

Get together with your skit group.
Create a checklist for everything your group must do to complete your skit.

Image result for checklist


Lit Term: Foil
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: character that shows qualities that are in contrast with the qualities of another character with the objective to highlight the traits of the other character.
Your Definition:
Activity: Give an example of a foil.
Image result for darth vader and luke skywalker

Use Hamlet Vocab for this element.
You should have 30 words by the end of the unit.
For each activity box use the word in a sentence.
It will go for a grade at the end of the unit.
* There are more than 30 boxes in this document.  You do not have to fill them all!

1. Skits
Within small groups, you will create a 3-5 minute skit that represents the major ideas in act three.
You may select both your group members and the role of each person.

The Roles:
Director- Determines the scenes, props, and stage movement.  Focuses on artistic and dramatic elements.
Co-Director- Works with the director to make sure artistic and dramatice elements are fluid and relevant.
Writer-  Creates the script of the scene.
Co-Writer- Works with the writer to create the script.
Editor- Reviews the script of the plot to ensure accuracy and evaluates effectiveness of director's decisions.

Before you begin creating your skit, make sure that you know the main idea you want to convey.
Make a graphic organizer with Act Three as the topic and scenes one-four branching off of it.
For each scene, identify the major idea and provide at least one quote.

Once this is complete, you may begin creating the play.
You can set this in any time and any place.
Just make sure your major ideas relate!

Break a leg!

2.  Perform!
You will act your skits out to the class.
Consider how their play is unique.
Compare and contrast it to the other skits. 

3.  Reflection
Write a reflection on your groups performance.
Consider what went well and what could have been improved given more time?
This should be approximately 5 sentences.

4.  Act Four, Scenes One-Four


Discussion Questions
Describe Claudius' reaction to the news of Polonius' death.
Analyze the symbolic meaning of the sponge.
Characterize Hamlet using indirect characterization.
Consider his opinion of Fortinbras.

Predict what is going to happen next in Hamlet.

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