Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sept. 2

September 2, 2016

E.Q: Create a narrative based on your individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
Implement vivid details to show over tell your narrative.
Provide feedback to your peers based on the projects requirements.
Obj: I can create a narrative based on my  own individualistic topic that demonstrates mastery of structure.
I can implement vivid details to show my audience the narrative.
I can provide feedback to my peers based on the projects requirements.


Free Write Friday
1/2 page double-spaced

Image result for writing prompts

Word: Revision
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a change or a set of changes that corrects or improves something
Your Definition:
Activity: Make revisions based on your peer edit form.


1. Narrative Project Guidelines

Using your revised draft, begin constructing your story,
Make sure to review the rubric to master the content.

Reminder: This is due Thursday, September 8.


What do you still need to complete for your final draft?
What questions do you still have?

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