Monday, September 12, 2016

Sept. 13

September 13, 2016

E.Q: Characterize Hamlet using indirect characterization.
Evaluate Hamlet using literature circles.
Support your analysis with textual evidence.
Obj: I can characterize Hamlet using indirect characterization. 
I can evaluate Hamlet using roles in literature circles.
I can support my analysis with textual evidence.

Take out your HOT question from yesterdays reading.
Write the question on one side of an index card. 
We will use the quiz, quiz, trade, method to answer them.

Image result for higher order thinking stems

Lit Term: Dynamic Character
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a literary or dramatic character who undergoes an important inner change, as a change in personality or attitude
Your Definition:
Activity: Give an example of a dynamic character.

Lit Term: Static Character
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a literary or dramatic character who undergoes little or no inner change; a character who does not grow or develop
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of a static character.

Image result for marlin and nemo

Use Hamlet Vocab for this element.
You should have 30 words by the end of the unit.
For each activity box use the word in a sentence.
It will go for a grade at the end of the unit.


1. Act Two 

We will listen to the act in three different chunks.
Follow along with the audio play for the following sections:

0:00 - 6: 45
6:45- 25: 00

Observe and analyze the motive behind each characters actions while you listen.

At each pause you will create your own HOT question and we will review the discussion questions below.
Make sure your question is making your classmates and yourself think critically.

Discussion Questions

Set One
Explain why Reynaldo is sent on his mission by Polonius.
Evaluate the way Ophelia retells the story with Hamlet.
Rationalize/Explain Hamlet's mental state.

Set Two
Justify why Hamlet appears to make no sense when talking with Polonius.
Describe your initial impression of Guildenstern and Rosencrantz.
Compare Hamlet's mental state to the previous scene.

Set Three 
Analyze Hamlet's motive for the play.
Evaluate whether this is his id, ego, or superego.  Support your reasoning.
Predict what will happen in Act Three.

Image result for hamlet

2.  Literature Circles

You will discuss Act Two through the implementation of literature circles.
You will be placed in assigned groups and within your groups will select your roles from the following:

Literary Luminary
Character Captain

You will receive the appropriate role sheet based on your decisions.
Every role is required to support their ideas with textual evidence.

Once each person has their role for the group, then all of the roles will meet with each other to collaborate.
Then, you will break out to your original groups to share your information.

3 Things you learned through the literature circle.
2 One plus and One delta.
1 Question you still have

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