Sunday, December 4, 2016

Dec. 5

December 5, 2016

E.Q: Share with class thought process used to reach best answer.
Use context clues to determine word meaning.
Obj: I can share with the class my thought process used when answering questions.
I can use context clues to determine word meaning.


Log in to usatestprep and look at your themes and inferences score.
Reflect on how you did.
Why do you believe you received the score you earned?
Lastly, write yourself one positive or encouraging statement.

Image result for what you think you become


Word: Context Clues
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a method by which the meanings of unknown words may be obtained by examining the parts of a sentence surrounding the word for definition/explanation clues, restatement/synonym clues, contrast/antonym clues, and inference/general context clues
Dictionary Definition:
Activity:Use context clues to determine the meaning of words.


1.  Fall 2015 Released NC Final Exam Reviewed

 Individually, you will share the answer to an assigned question.

You will get 3 minutes to review your answer and thought process.

Make sure to use any test taking strategies that apply.

2.  Context Clues

Use the SOPHIA tutorial to review how to use context clues.
Take Cornell Notes on slides 1-5.

Then, as a class we will practice the strategies described.


1.  The concert was nonstop hullabaloo, so you could barely hear the person next to you.

2.  That whippersnapper did nothing but watch TV all day.  

3.   I've never seen a ragamuffin in a laundromat: they always look unclean.  

4. The nefarious, mean teacher always gave hours and hours of homework.

3.  USAtestprep

Complete the word meaning assignment.
Be conscious of context clues and the amount of time spent answering each question.


How confident do you feel inferring word meanings?
Use the learning target to assess yourself. 

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