Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dec. 2

December 2, 2016

E.Q: Review the concepts that we have developed throughout the semester.
Obj: I can review the concepts tat we have developed throughout the semester.
Free Write Friday
Create a half page, double-spaced entry.
Image result for writing prompts 
Term: Inference
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning 
Your Definition: 
Activity: State one fact that you know about making an inference.


1.  Fall 2015 Released NC Final Exam

 Individually, you will complete part of the released exam.
You will get 25 minutes to answer questions 1-11.
Make sure to use any test taking strategies that work well for you.

As a class, we will go over the answers.
2. USAtestprep
Log in to
Click on the assignment Inferences & Theme.
For any question wrong complete a test correction.

3. Fall 2015 Released NC Final Exam

 Individually, you will complete part of the released exam.
You will get 25 minutes to answer questions 12-24.
Make sure to use any test taking strategies that work well for you.
How many questions did you get correct?
Write a 3-5 sentence reflection on your performance.

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